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Want your life back?

Get everything you need to stop your autoimmune flares… for good

Eat easy and delicious meals while stopping the autoimmune attack against your tissues

Get supportive lifestyle tools to prevent flare ups & manage symptoms

Become aware of and end the habits that keep you flaring

“I can’t believe how much better I feel and I just started this journey with you”

“Can’t even imagine what the next few weeks and months will feel like. 🙌 ❤️ ”

Lindsay J.

If you’re losing hope… 


that you’ll ever feel like yourself again and you’ll be stuck feeling your symptoms forever…


… it’s time to master ALL the key skills for optimal health, despite your autoimmune disease.

Have you’ve been dealing with frustrating symptoms?

They don’t care whether you have an important event or that it’s your birthday. They’re either there, stopping you from enjoying your life, or lurking around the corner, ready to strike at any moment.

No one around you is of much help. Your doctor, while sympathetic, tells you there isn’t anything you can do other than take the medication he offers you. But it doesn’t fully work as expected and you still feel like crap.

You worry that you’re becoming a burden on your family and whether you’ll even be able to keep your job.

 Defeated, you wonder if this is your life from now on…

 The problem? Your body is crying out for help in the only way it knows how.

Symptoms are just signals that your body has chronic inflammation and your gut health needs major attention. As a result, your immune system is more confused than a 3rd grader walking into an organic chemistry class.

 Without addressing these it doesn’t matter how many meds you take, since your body will continue to attack your organ tissue and your disease will potentially get worse. 

And what’s worse – if you have SYMPTOMS of an autoimmune disease, most likely you already have autoimmune attacks of other organs in your body that just haven’t gotten bad enough to have symptoms yet.

Why? Because medications usually only address the symptoms, not the root cause.

If you want to stop the symptoms and prevent further symptoms and more autoimmune diseases, you need to stop the inflammation and heal your gut. You need to get to the root cause and stop it for good.

Made this much easier than it would otherwise have been!”

“Since joining The Autoimmune Collective, my path of healing has been helped tremendously. Having trustworthy resources of nutrition (recipes, meal prep, the diet itself, reintroductions, etc.), and stress and rest management at my fingertips is such an important part of this journey. Having a community of people has been a lifeline in my success thus far. And having Michele — so helpful, knowledgeable, and caring — has truly been made this much easier than it would otherwise have been. It’s been such a great investment in my journey to healing.”

Tracy Q.

With The Autoimmune Collective, you’ll know exactly how to get healthy and stop your symptoms


Feeling sick and tired

Are you just trying to “make it through” each day right now? Trying to battle the exhaustion, pain, skin rashes, or constant need to go to the bathroom?  Putting your life on hold… indefinitely?

Disappointment on your kids' faces

Ugh, it’s the worst, isn’t it? When your kids or grandkids ask you to play and you tell them “no” for the umpteenth time because you don’t feel well? It’s SO heartbreaking to be the source of their unhappiness and see that look on their sweet faces.

The frustration, shame, and fear

Oh the feelings around your disease! Frustration that this is happening to you and you can’t make it stop. Shame that you can’t help out as much as you used to and that others have to pick up your slack. Fear that things will get worse and you’ll never get better. And the lack of feeling any control around it all? Your mental health can really suffer! (And that’s not what you need right now!)


Feel great

You’ll pop out of bed each day feeling refreshed and like your old self. You’ll live life as if you didn’t even have a disease – enjoying time with friends and family and chasing after all of those bucket list goals.

Show your kids what's possible

Kids pick up most of their knowledge of the world by modeling others. How great would it be to be a role model and show them what’s possible when life beats you down? To show them you can have a great life, despite a chronic disease? And to be able to play whenever they ask you to? Priceless.

Have confidence and clarity

Getting to know your own body and what it needs to thrive is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. After all, you only have one body to live in, right? When you know what foods make you feel good vs icky, what works best to help you sleep through the night, and which exercises help you feel your best, you erase that frustration, shame, and fear right out of your consciousness.

“The recipes and videos were very informative and supportive when you’re so overwhelmed

“I was in misery. My Hashimotos was out of control and I had leaky gut. But the recipes and videos were very informative and supportive when you’re so overwhelmed. I found lots of food I didn’t know existed and lifestyle changes to help with the healing process. It is so worth it!”

Janet R.



The Autoimmune Collective is your all-access pass to ALL of my tools for creating a healthy lifestyle and going from suffering ….

to a confident, great-feeling AUTOIMMUNE THRIVER who has control over your disease and symptoms

  • Heal your gut to reduce or stop symptoms
  • Optimize your sleep, exercise, and stress levels so you can avoid flares and manage symptoms over the long term
  • Find and fix the hidden thoughts that might cause you to cheat, self-sabotage, or give up
  • Community and support from others going through the same thing

It’s time to give your body (the only one you have) the nourishment it deserves!

Why not do so in a way that is a LOT easier – and way more effective –  than doing it on your own?

Just like it’s done for our members:

“After spending hours and hours of research gathering info from multiple sites and joining what seemed like a gazillion groups, I found my home with Michele and the Autoimmune Collective”

“If you are looking for that comfort feeling, recipes that are “normal” (not some weird high energy needed and a culinary degree as well) and a place you can just be you, this is it.

From group chats, to quick recipes to YouTube videos you’re guaranteed to find the perfect avenue of information. Come join us! I promise you’ll be able to relax, get settled and enjoy the company.”


Danielle S.

Everything in one place to help with the autoimmune journey”

What I love about the Autoimmune Collective is that there is everything in one place to help with the autoimmune journey. Meal prep, a supportive community of people going through the same thing as me and tools to help with stress relief, and so much more!

Jennifer S.

 The 3-Phase Framework to Thriving With Your Autoimmune Disease


When you join The Autoimmune Collective, you’ll get access to the member’s portal where you’ll learn how to move seamlessly through the following phases, experiencing real, tangible progress along the way.


Going through all three phases is the BEST way to gain control over your disease and stop your symptoms.

When you’ve gone through these, you’ll FINALLY have the key ingredients you need to get back the quality of your life, do the things you love without worry….pain….lack of energy… or the fear you’ll have to run to the bathroom….and feel like your disease is just background noise.


““I was having a very difficult time coming up with ideas for meals and couldn’t seem to focus enough to come up with something on my own. I have AIP cookbooks, but I usually end up without ingredients, etc.
If I take the weekend to plan my meals for the week ahead, then I am successful. After reviewing your website over and over, I came to the conclusion that I really needed the simplicity of someone doing the legwork for me. I love the detailed plans and instructions. I even love the labels you provide to place on my freezer meals. When I utilize your website, it calms me down because I don’t have to really think about what I’m going to eat.

Aimee K.


Stop the Flare

You know how a vacation rejuvenates you? Removing the constant triggers that cause systemic inflammation, leaky gut, and immune system regulation is like a vacation for your body.

The easiest and quickest way to do this and see some BIG results is by changing the foods you eat. As soon as your next meal you could be stopping the conditions in your body that are causing symptoms.

We use food changes to get out of survival mode and finally give your body a rest from the constant triggers. This will allow the inflammation to settle down, your gut tissue to repair, nutrients to finally be absorbed, and your immune system relief from having to be on constant overdrive. By doing this, your immune system will stop attacking your organ tissues.

All of this may lead to you possibly getting off of, reducing, or avoiding medications, reducing antibodies, stopping symptoms, and, best of all, feeling NORMAL again.

In this phase, we’ll make it oh so much easier by giving you access to “Prep & Reset” – the program with easy autoimmune-friendly recipes and meal prep:

  • Step-by-step Paleo and AIP meal prep guides that make the best use of your time and energy and get your fridge and freezer stocked with easily accessible meals
  • Over a months' each of done-for-you weekly meal plans for both the Paleo and AIP Diets - no need to think, just shop and cook!
  • Hundreds of simple and quick Paleo and AIP recipes that taste great (family-approved!)
  • 14 Dump-and-go freezer meal plans that require NO cooking before freezing! (Get your freezer stocked with 7 meals in an hour!)
  • Meal prep mini-course to learn ALL of the tips and tricks to cut down on time and effort
  • Incredibly helpful cooking demonstration videos - see how it's done!
  • Tools to overcome cravings, avoid temptations (without resorting to willpower), and subconsciously choose the right foods for you
  • Coaching and education on how to properly and safely reintroduce foods

I believe eating for healing should TASTE good – not just be good for your body.  I want you to love eating this way and not have it feel like a punishment. Plus it also shouldn’t take over your life – leave meal time at meal time and spend the rest of your time doing what you love!

“I have had a recent diagnosis of Grave’s disease and was feeling exhausted by all the cooking etc.
I thought about buying a cookbook to help me get new ideas and keep things feeling fresh, but when I read about the Collective, and figured I would give it a try. Your recipes are great. Down to earth. I have a family. I don’t always have the fancy ingredients kind of style. Freezer dump meals!!! I’m not nearly as stressed about dinner. I have 3 of your meals in the freezer right now in the event I’m not wanting to cook something different one night. So I say if you are looking for practical, real world help from a woman who feels like she should just be your neighbor, try it out.

Debbie W.


Support your Lifestyle

If your body is constantly in a stress-induced fight-or-flight mode, it simply cannot digest foods properly, absorb nutrients, repair tissue, regulate your immune system (aka, stop autoimmune tissue attacks), or do any of the numerous other tasks needed to feel better.

If you don’t get out of this, you’ll never find out how great you can feel and you may be working totally against your nutrition efforts!

Unfortunately stress isn’t just stress as we know it, like from deadlines or being stuck in traffic. It’s also from things like not getting enough or the right quality of sleep or too much or too little exercise.

You NEED to get your sleep, stress management, and exercise dialed in to the right place for you or else your symptoms will continue to flare no matter what you eat or do.

To help you with this part of your journey you’ll get access to the “Exercise for Autoimmunity“, “The Lifestyle Lab“, and “Autoimmune Health Blueprint” programs. Plus periodic masterclasses often dive deeply into a topic relevant to this phase.

In this phase, you’ll discover:

  • Effective tools to help you stop feeling overwhelmed and to manage stress and anxiety so that they aren't a problem
  • How autoimmune exercise intolerance can cause you to flare when you work out
  • Supportive workouts that won't spike the stress response and that you can do in the comfort of your home
  • How to get better sleep (without taking a pill!) + resources to help you sleep better
  • What the most effective methods are for YOU personally to de-stress, sleep, get energized, deal with headaches, and exercise

Whether it’s a guided meditation, EFT tapping, sound baths, hypnosis audios, breathing techniques, exercises like Qi Gong, micro workouts, or yoga, or more, we’ve got it all, and you’re free to try them at your convenience and in privacy of your own home.

It has taken me months to accept that the relaxation videos (for example) are for ME.  I don’t know how that sounds, but all my life OTHER people have done those things!  So now it’s my turn after all! 


I did not anticipate just how much the meditation and calming exercises would help! I don’t always have alone time, but this is one area that I needed improvement on and the resources make it easy.
Amy G.


I love the easy make-ahead recipes and the hypnosis audios. The recipes made it super easy for my family to adapt to the change in our diet. The hypnosis audios just freaking work and has helped me overcome challenges that were taxing my will-power.

Patricia R.


Sustain The Relief

Once you’ve dialed in your diet and lifestyle it’s time to look at the most important thing – your mind! Why?

According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has somewhere between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts in a day. Yet they say that 80% of those thoughts are negative – and 95% of them are repetitive!

And the worst part? You’re probably only aware of a small fraction of those thoughts. We live our lives on autopilot!

Unfortunately, if you don’t uncover and address your negative thought patterns, habits, and emotions, you’re almost guaranteed to go right back to where you started – which will leave you sick, frustrated, and dealing with those defeating symptoms again. Then you’ll either have to completely change your diet again or go chasing down another diet or solution that probably won’t work either. (Because you’re still having the same thoughts or doing the same habits!)

So in this phase, we dig deep into the topics that commonly keep people plateauing with their success, reverting right back to their triggers, and unable to continue their success. You’ll get tools to help solidify the new, supportive thoughts, habits, mindset shifts, and emotions you need to thrive.


To support you on this phase of your journey you have access to “The Lifestyle Lab” and “The Autoimmune Health Blueprint” programs. Plus the periodic masterclasses often dive deeply into a topic relevant to this phase.

Inside this phase you’ll discover:

  • Those sneaky thoughts that may be causing you to stray from your healing diet or preventing you from feeling better (and how to correct it)
  • The PROVEN formula to stop bad habits & create lasting good ones
  • How to bounce back from anything - and be stronger for it
  • The keys to long term success with your disease
  • The simple strategies to let go of fear, grief about your disease, resentment about what you can and cannot eat
  • Hypnosis audios that go straight to your subconscious to reprogram your limiting beliefs about what's possible for you, stop cravings, and help you to choose supportive foods and habits without having to think about it

… and more!

I love the hypnosis/meditations because they acknowledge that there is more to us than just food.
Kayla R.



Want a peek into the AIC? Here’s a short tour!

Ok, how much is it?

The Autoimmune Collective is not some cheap eBook, but it shows you how to get your life back.

It’s an investment in yourself that will pay you back for the rest of your life.

It’s a transformation that frees you from someone struggling with their symptoms, spending ridiculous amounts of time cooking, and from oppressive stress that weighs you down – to someone who feels confident that they know exactly what to do to keep their symptoms at bay and have an amazing quality of life.

This isn’t just a course either, as courses or books alone can be valuable for knowledge, but they don’t cause you to take ACTION on the information. These tools are the action you need to get the results you really want.

It’s also EXACTLY what I’ve done with my $1000/month 1:1 private coaching clients, but for a fraction of the cost to you.


You can join The Autoimmune Collective for only $79 $39 a month*!

*This is typically $79 a month, but I’ve temporarily stopped the monthly masterclasses and live coaching calls as I’m currently adding a brand new “path to lasting symptom relief” to lead you step-by-step through everything you need to be flare-free for life. Until I have that completed, I’ve made the membership half off. You can lock in this rate and keep it even after I have the new resources finished and start doing the monthly masterclasses and coaching calls again too!


80% of my members have said that implementing the changes here have drastically improved their symptoms and saved them from having to hire an expensive Functional Medicine Practitioner for $14k or more! Why not try this first? (Even if you do wind up going to one, you’ll be SO much better off since YOU are still the one who has to implement all of the changes and these tools will help you to do that with ease)


When you think about what it will do for you and your future, then it’s an easy choice.


So tell me… are you in?

By the time you’ve used just a small portion of the tools offered in The Autoimmune Collective, you’ll have completely transformed the way you feel and relate to your disease for the rest of your life.

Take action on your health and life TODAY!

“Made it possible for me to have compliant meals even when I am too tired or weak to cook!”

“Michele Spring’s Autoimmune Collective has made a huge difference in my AIP journey. I knew that AIP would help with my severe and debilitating illness but it was difficult to find the energy to start let alone stay with it. The Autoimmune Collective changed all that. The start guide, the hundreds of easy, make ahead recipes, the tips, and ideas have made it possible for me to have compliant meals even when I am too tired or weak to cook. It is more than just foods though. In easy to accomplish ways Michele brings together meditation, relaxation, and other necessary healing modalities that has helped me to make the changes I needed to begin to heal. The added support of a community of caring people, including Michele herself, makes this an ideal AIP online home. “

Beth E.


The 3 Phases of Autoimmune Health will completely transform your health and how you approach your disease from now on. But that’s just the beginning.

When you join The Autoimmune Collective, you also get access to the Community!

Autoimmune Collective Community

Value – Priceless

If you’re like me, then you know that your autoimmune journey can be lonely…trying to figure out what will work, not having people believe that you’re actually sick (and not just lazy), and having nowhere to go to talk to someone who gets it.

That never happens again once you join the exclusive private community! 

You’ll surround yourself with people who get what you’re going through. They too suffer through the silent symptoms that no one else can see and know it’s NOT all in your head.

They also know what it’s like to need that support when you just want to gorge on all the pizza and conveniently forget how food affects you. Because it WILL happen, but we want you to succeed just as much as you do. You can come to us and get that pep talk or whatever it is you need to keep going.

And we don’t allow the Paleo and AIP-police here. You can post safely, not worrying that someone will judge you for posting a recipe that has a non-compliant ingredient – or that they’ll try to scare you into thinking the end of the world is coming because you ate some gluten. This is a rampant problem in the free groups, and we don’t stand for it here.

And because we’re on a Mighty Network platform, you don’t need to worry about privacy issues (like on Facebook) where you even THINK about a topic and suddenly you’re getting ads for it. Privacy and security are a major priority for us here. 

Other benefits of the community:

  • Run on a distraction-free and safe Mighty Network
  • Make lasting friendships
  • See how others make it all work for them
  • Get your questions answered
  • Know you aren't the only one going through all of this!
  • Enter bi-weekly giveaways for chances to win great prizes!
Opening up to share in a group hasn’t always comfortable, yet Wow!!! What a generous, supportive and non-judgy community we have here. I’m so thankful for that.💜
Brenda H.

There are SO many pluses that have come from this journey! First is this group and all of the wonderful people I’ve gotten to know! Y’all rock! ❤️”
Janet R.

So, Let’s Recap!

When you join The Autoimmune Collective you get instant access to the 3 Phases to Autoimmune Health –  meal prep guides, freezer meal plans, done-for-you meal plans, recipes, time-saving techniques, cooking videos, Qi Gong, Micro, and yoga workouts, meditations, hypnosis audios, journals, EFT, coaching, and more – designed to transform you from someone struggling because of their autoimmune disease to someone THRIVING despite their autoimmune disease. (Value $3000)


  • Prep & Reset - the easiest, best-tasting recipes and meal prep for your autoimmune health (typically $197)
  • Exercise for Autoimmune Disease (Typically $99)
  • The Lifestyle Lab (Typically $249)
  • The Autoimmune Health Blueprint Program (typically $149)
  • Mastering the Autoimmune Protocol Course (typically $149)
  • The You Can Do AIP Challenge VIP version (typically $29)
  • Masterclasses (typically $49 each)
  • Access to the private Community

So now it’s time for you to make one of two choices.


The first choice is to try all of this autoimmune healing stuff on your own.

And as you already know, that takes a lot of time and energy to cut through all the noise of what works and doesn’t.

BUT…  if you already know that you want to hit the Easy button on changing the foods you eat, get the tools to optimize your lifestyle and mindset so that you can be in control over your disease, and take advantage of support from our amazing non-judgemental community?

Then the choice is obvious: join us inside The Autoimmune Collective and start your transformation to becoming a thriving autoimmune warrior!

Between what’s already in the AIC  and what I’m adding, the investment is a steal and will be invaluable to you for the rest of your life.

Listen… you can continue to put your life on hold (what’s that costing you?) or get the help, direction, and clarity you need to get your life back. Which do you choose?

Take action on your health and life TODAY!

only $79 $39 a month* 

*no contracts, cancel anytime. Live coaching calls and masterclasses have been temporarily suspended as I add in the new “path to relief” – so for a limited time lock in 50% off every month!

It has made it easy to stay on AIP and be accountable.”

I got a new diagnosis of another autoimmune disorder so wanted to try AIP. I have been celiac for years so I ate a strict gluten free diet. I was excited to join and learn more about AIP. There are many things I love about it. So much information at my fingertips. It has made it easy to stay on AIP and be accountable. I have seen most of my symptoms greatly reduced in 3 months!

Suzy P.

“The support is amazing!”

“I feel now that I belong to a group that’s going through what it takes to live with a plethora of autoimmune diseases and addressing them head on. The support is amazing! I know this sounds weird but it’s actually fun and I look forward to all the new info.”

Mel B

In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Michele…

In 2014, after a long downhill trend with my two autoimmune diseases, Hashimoto’s and Celiac, I wound up so exhausted that I could barely get off the couch to play with my kids, be a useful, contributing employee at work because my brain fog was so bad, and just enjoy life. I suffered from a myriad of other unpleasant symptoms and was scared that I was going to get stuck like that for the rest of my life. I had completely forgotten what “normal” felt like.

My doctor had basically given up on me, telling me that it probably was all in my head because the thyroid medication he had me on was “literally the only thing that would work.”

Not being satisfied with that answer nor with my quality of life – I searched until I found the Autoimmune Protocol.

Not going to lie…. it was hard.

Back then there were hardly ANY recipes available. I missed bread, Starbucks, eggs, and cheese like no one’s business, and I felt like cooking for it was my full-time job. Yet…

…after only a few short weeks I had amazing results, so I stuck with it and wound up feeling better than I had in over 15 years!

I wish I could say that was the end of my incredible transformation, but unfortunately, I quickly learned that if you don’t address the OTHER areas of your life, like chronic stress, poor sleep, too much or too little exercise, and the negative thought patterns that cause you to self-sabotage, eat foods that you don’t tolerate, and hold onto bad habits, that you can wind up sick again.

A few years later I found myself in the midst of a really bad flare-up of my symptoms, frustrated that I had let it come to that. I was also REALLY resistant to doing AIP again. I knew that it would help me, but man, I did not want to give up my coffee, nor did I want to spend so much time cooking just to have bland, boring meals. That’s when I got to thinking that “hey, you’re a health coach who develops recipes – why don’t YOU come up with some easy recipes that taste good and ways to do this diet that don’t require 475 hours a week in the kitchen?”

“Make it so you wouldn’t hesitate to do AIP again if you needed to – and then figure out how to STAY healthy!”

So that’s how The Autoimmune Collective came about, and why I continually add recipes and easy ways to do this diet.

I also spent the next few years researching and experimenting with all kinds of stress-relief modalities, exercise types, mindset techniques and more, so that I could maintain my health and not get stuck back in my old ways that would make me sick again.

I started telling people how much these other aspects were helping me and everyone started asking if I could share what I was doing with them too.

As soon as I did, the transformations in their health were astounding!

They made such amazing improvements that I decided to become officially certified in Hypnotherapy and NLP so I could use the astounding power of the brain to your advantage, and to also go after my Qi Gong and Yoga teacher certifications as well. (I already was an autoimmune health coach and AIP-certified coach)

I am continuously learning new modalities so I can add these lifestyle and mindset aspects to The AIC – I share what WORKS so that you don’t have to go through years of fruitless experimentation and research like I did!

Michele Spring, in remission from her autoimmune disease Hashimoto's, living life to the fullest and doing many activities
Michele Spring, in remission from her autoimmune disease Hashimoto's, living life to the fullest and doing many activities

“The program is so accessible and the community is so supportive.”

“You’ll feel like you can take on the world with The Autoimmune Collective resources and community.”

Patricia R.


Still have questions? Let me see if I can help…

Below are the most common questions I’ve been asked. If for some odd reason you don’t see your question, just email [email protected] so we can assist you. Sound good?

What happens when I join the AIC?

You first breathe a sigh of relief because you made an IMPORTANT step towards your transformation! Then, you’ll hop on over to your inbox where you’ll find your login credentials and you can get into ALL of the resources right away.

You will also receive some emails over the next few days that explain the various resources and help you navigate through what will help you most right now.

How is The Autoimmune Collective delivered?

Everything can be accessed from your personal membership portal!

Once you log in you’ll have instant access to all of the online classes, guides, cheat sheets, freezer cooking plans, and recipes from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. You can also download the audios, printable guides, and handouts and save them to your devices.

Where does the private community meet?

Our private community gathers on Mighty Networks — away from the distractions and privacy concerns of social media.

A handy mobile app makes our safe space easy to access from anywhere and you can set how often you want to receive notifications.

No worrying here that if you make a joke about peeing yourself while jumping on a trampoline you’ll get served up adult diaper ads for the next month (true story – happened to me on FB! So embarrassing!)

Is this just for the AIP Diet?

Nope! It USED to be, hence why a lot of the members you see above talking about it. But I’ve since expanded it to cover the AIP Reintroductions and the Paleo Diet as well. I wanted this to be a resource you can use whether you decide to do the full AIP elimination or start with Paleo, and to support you over the long term with healthy recipes you can eat any time, whether you’re on a specific diet protocol or not.

There are a few versions of AIP. Which one do you talk about?

Great question! The one I practice and teach is the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. This version was developed by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne and is a subset of the Paleo Diet.

However, it really doesn’t matter much – the differences between the versions aren’t huge and all of the resources within The Autoimmune Collective will help you no matter what version you’re on.

I’m already doing AIP or Paleo -- will this help me?

100% Absolutely! Not only will the recipes, freezer meal plans, meal prep section, and videos help you make what you’re doing easier and more manageable; The AIC will provide you with the additional resources that will help you make this a lifestyle that enables you to thrive well beyond the kitchen.

It’s not like you finish doing a diet like AIP and your life magically just changes – you need to make sure your sleep, exercise, and stress are optimized, break bad habits, learn new ones that will support your health long term, and find ways to make it all sustainable long term. That’s what the whole other half of The Autoimmune Collective is for – and could help literally anyone, but is geared specifically for people with autoimmune disorders.

I'm really want to do the AIP Diet but am so overwhelmed, will this help me?

YES!! I’d recommend first starting with the Mastering the Autoimmune Protocol course to really get a good understanding of what you can and cannot eat, get cheatsheets that you can post in your kitchen, and understand what to expect from BEFORE the diet all the way through how you’ll reintroduce foods.

Then you can start going through some of the easier step-by-step meal plans and dump-and-go freezer meal plans to get some meals in your freezer and give you some breathing room. As you get more confidence and time you can tackle some of the other recipes to really round out your food and give you lots of variety.

What makes you, Michele, the best person to learn from?

I’m an Health Coach who used AIP and Paleo to help my own autoimmune diseases, but also hundreds of others in the 8+ years that I’ve been doing this. 

I’m also an AIP Certified Coach, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, EFT practitioner, Certified 200-hr Qi Gong teacher, and Certified 200-hr Yoga instructor!

I’m constantly learning and keeping up on the latest data and research in health and mind-body connection as it relates to autoimmune disease. I’m also an empath who’s been in your shoes.

I'm doing this to help my spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/partner - can they join the community too?

Absolutely. First of all – if you’re doing this to help learn about AIP, cook meals for someone, and understand what they need, THANK YOU. I am so happy there are people like you that support those of us with autoimmune diseases.

If you join and the person you are helping also wants to be a part of the community, just send me an email so I know there will be two people from the same account to look out for and approve!

How much time will this take me?

The amount of time it takes is completely up to you. You can just hop into the main portal for a minute if you need a step-by-step meal plan to work on or a recipe to prepare, or spend however long you want on a stress relief technique (we have options from 2 minutes all the way through an hour!)

This is meant to be a resource to use whenever you need it. At first, you might spend more time going through the Meal Prep mini course or AIP Basics course, then you might spend less time as you go through the diet.

Later you may come back and spend more time going through the Optimizing your Lifestyle and Mind sections.

After that you might just use it as needed – when you are more stressed than usual, having some sleep disruptions, dealing with some negative emotions, or just want to do an energizing Qi Gong session!

I really don't have time/the ability/the energy to cook. Do you have any options for me?

The step-by-step meal prep plans and the dump-and-go meal plans have been created so that those with very little time and energy can accomplish them and wind up saving you time and energy.

However – if you REALLY cannot do it, they’ve been written in a way that you could hire a local high school or college student, or even a stay-at-home mom looking to do something while her kids are at school, to cook these for you. These inexpensive options would get delicious AIP-compliant food in your fridge, pantry, and freezer, and help them out as well.

How long do I have access to this program?

As long as you’re a paying member, you get access to all aspects of The Autoimmune Collective, which includes:

* Prep & Reset (typically $197)

* Exercise for Autoimmunity (typically $99)

* The Lifestyle Lab (Typically $249)

* The Autoimmune Health Blueprint (typically $149)

* Mastering the Autoimmune Protocol course (typically $149)

* The You Can Do AIP Challenge VIP version (typically $29)

* The deep-dive Masterclasses (and previous class replays) (typically $49 each)

* Access to the private Community

* And anything else that is added


Once I get in will I have to pay anything else?

No. Unless you opt to add additional upgraded experiences that will require payment (like the Flare-Free For Life 12-week group program or 1:1 coaching), once you join The VIP Pass you get every single resource within.

In addition, I’m constantly adding to it, so you’ll get all of the additions as well at no extra charge.

I'm religious - will the resources conflict with my beliefs?

Absolutely not. The guided meditations and hypnosis audios do not in any way conflict with or dispute any sort of religious beliefs and can be wonderful companions to prayer.

The guided meditations give you the space to think about things that may not otherwise come up when engrossed in a busy lifestyle, and you may choose to spend the time given during and time after that to quietly contemplate in any way you choose.

And as for the Qi Gong, despite its ancient Chinese Taoist roots, it is in no way religious. In fact, one of the greatest Qi Gong masters of the modern age, Mantak Chia, is a Christian. Again, it can be a valuable companion to your prayer and by releasing energetic and emotional blockages and practicing gratitude, may bring you even closer to and strengthen your relationship with God.

We have many members who are religious and have found a lot of success with the resources in this program!

Will I be able to get off of my medications if I go through the resources in the AIC?

I cannot guarantee that anyone will be able to get off of medications, avoid medications, or avoid surgery, etc by using any of the tools or diet resources in this membership.

I also want to state that it’s not a failure to BE on medication or to have to have surgery for your disease. We are fortunate to live in a time where all of these tools are available to us, and sometimes it requires a blending of these tools in order to get the most improvement.

I personally take thyroid medication every day, and my son uses insulin for his Type 1 Diabetes (an autoimmune disease) every day as well. Without these medications we wouldn’t be able to survive, so I am so thankful we have them available to us.

That being said – the diet, lifestyle, and mindset pieces can tremendously improve your quality of life – because you shouldn’t settle for “meh.”

You only get one life, an average of 4000 weeks to live – why spend it feeling miserable?

Take action on your health and life TODAY!

only $79 $39 a month

*no contracts, cancel anytime. Live coaching calls and masterclasses have been temporarily suspended as I add in the new “path to relief” – so for a limited time lock in 50% off every month!

*Autoimmune disease cannot be cured (that we know of). I am not a doctor nor a medical practitioner. I do not make the claims that this program or diet will cure or heal you, or even say that you’ll definitely feel better. However, many people have found relief from their symptoms by using these methods and I hope the same for you! (Please read my Disclaimer for more information)

Because this is a monthly membership there are no refunds. But you can cancel at any time, directly through your portal (without having to talk to anyone!) with no further payments.

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