Here’s what’s waiting for you inside The Autoimmune Collective:
Your all-access pass to ALL of my tools for creating a healthy lifestyle and managing the symptoms of your autoimmune disease
- Simple AIP meal prep plans, dump-and-go freezer meal plans, cooking videos, and hundreds of recipes to help you stick to your healing diet and stop symptoms without spending hours in the kitchen each day.
- Tools to optimize your lifestyle and mind – dial in your sleep, stress, and exercise and also subconsciously help your mind avoid old habits that might cause you to get sick again
- Amazing community support from a warm, welcoming group of others doing AIP as well
- Over $3000 in value!
Plus the bonuses!!!
- The AIP Basics Course (everything you need to know to be successful on the Autoimmune Protocol) ($500 value)
- The Done-for-You Meal Plan Bundle ($60 value)
- AIP Breakfasts Book and Companion Meal Prep Guide ($50 value)
- 2x a month Office Hours with Michele ($2500 value)
- And anything else I add to the AIC in the future (value ???)

Lifetime Access Full Pay (Rather pay in installments? Click here)
What I love about the Autoimmune Collective is that there is everything in one place to help with the autoimmune journey. Meal prep, a supportive community of people going through the same thing as me and tools to help with stress relief, and so much more!
I got a new diagnosis of another autoimmune disorder so wanted to try AIP. I have been celiac for years so I ate a strict gluten free diet. I was excited to join and learn more about AIP. There are many things I love about it. So much information at my fingertips. It has made it easy to stay on AIP and be accountable. I have seen most of my symptoms greatly reduced in 3 months!

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