Meats & Seafoods Online sources + how to buy locally I’ll update this page soon with vendors, but for now, find the guide to buying locally below. Buying Locally – things to look out...
AIP Convenience Foods These are some of my favorite foods you can purchase at stores and online. Click on the pictures below to go to specific products. Chips Salty and no overpowering flavor – I like these as a side when picnicking. They remind me...
AIP Books These are some of my favorite books, cookbooks, and ebooks. Click on the pictures below to go to specific books. AIP Cookbooks This is my fave AIP cookbook. Well rounded and also lots of kid-friendly meals. Many of these meals don’t feel...
AIP Resources These are some of my favorite products, books, pantry staples, etc. These are all US-based links, but if you have some faves you want to include from other countries, please let me know! I can start an Australian section for example, etc Click on the...