Healing Holidays Masterclass

Masterclass Holidays on a Healing Diet  Don’t let the holidays be a reason to feel miserable from your symptoms. You can eat well and still have a magical holiday season! Walk away from this class knowing how to best navigate the situations you’ll find yourself in and...

AIP Reintroductions Masterclass

Masterclass AIP Reintroductions Learn everything you need to know about reintroduction foods on the Autoimmune Protocol! Why you should do them, what they are, when to do it, when to know you’re ready, what to look out for, what to do if you can’t...

Your Personal Roadblocks Masterclass

MASTERCLASS Your Personal Roadblocks To Healing When you watch this bonus call replay, you’ll uncover the hidden roadblocks that might still be stopping you personally from following through on your eating plan (whether that’s AIP, Paleo, or whatever) – or keeping you...

Common AIP Struggles Masterclass

Masterclass Overcoming Common AIP Struggles In my years of coaching and eating a healing diet myself, I’ve found there are several common reasons people struggle with staying on AIP. In this bonus masterclass I explain what these reasons are and give you actionable...